Friday, April 12, 2013

Sights and Sounds (Passage Writing)

Sights and Sounds (Passage Writing)

Immediately after Launch On The Hotel Restaurant, Masum, Becky and Neela Wnt Out To Have a look of the City. Thamel, Known as the Tourist Area, Is Extremely Popular For Its Cheap Hotels and Restaurants. Each and Every Shop Was Laden With Attractive Tourist Nick-Nacks. To Masum It Seemed Like a Permanent Fair. The Narrow Lanes Were Packed. The Entire Area Was Buzzing With Life. The Things That Attracted Masum's Attention Most Were The Wood Carvings as well as the beads and strings of Precious and Semi-Precious Stones. There Were Restaurants on Almost Every Rooftop. People Were Busy Looking, Buying Looking, Buying and eating. The Sights, Sounds and Smells Were almost Overwhelming. They Crossed Thamel and came to Durbar Square. The Temples There Date Back From 12th to The 19th Century. Masum, Becky and Neela Climbed The Steps of one of the towering Tejmples and sat on the stairs. From There They Watched The World Go By. They Spent More Than a Couple of Hours There And Three Young People Had Hardly Noticed It! They Enjoyed The Great Views Across The Square and The Roof Tops of The City.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post, I Like This Passage And Really I Need This Passage.
