Monday, April 8, 2013

A Dialogue Between Two Friends on The Advantages And Disadvantages of Villages Life And City Life

A Dialogue Between Two Friends on The Advantages And Disadvantages of Villages Life And City Life

Karim : Hi Rahim, How're You ?
Rahim : Fine, Thanks And You ?
Karim : I'm Fine Too. What About Your City Life ?
Rahim : Oh, It's Really Exciting. Educational Institutions, Medical Facilities And Sources of Recreation-all are available at my hand. Isn't It Dandy.
Karim : Really.
Rahim : Now, What About Your Village Life. There are No Chaos And Anxiety. Besides, The Environment is Free From Pollution.
Rahim : You're Quite Right.
Karim : I Hold You're Suffering From Sound Pollution and air pollution Severely.
Rahim : You're Right. But You Also Have Problems With Good Schooling And Medical Care In Village.
Karim : Yes, To Some Extent, You Are Right Also. I Think We All Should Take Steps To Remove The Disadvantages of Both Village And City Lives.
Rahim : I Agree With You. Thank You Very Much.
Karim : Thank You, Too.